Hop om bord i en GoBoat
Kom ud at sejle i din helt egen GoBoat.
Oplev København på en helt unik måde og se byen fra et andet perspektiv. Vær din egen kaptajn og sejl gelinde gennem Københavns kanaler.
Book en GoBoat med Nobis’ rabatkode og få følgende:
10% Mandag – torsdag
5% Fredag – Søndag
Kontakt receptionen for at modtage Nobis' rabatkode og book direkte hos GoBoat
* Gæster er selv ansvarlig for booking & annullering
GoBoat was established in the harbor of Copenhagen in 2014 by the three entrepreneurs Anders Ekelund Mørck, Kasper Eich-Romme and Cark Kai Rand. With the desire to democratize the water by giving everyone access to leisure sailing, the three enthusiasts have made the water accessible to all through the cozy picnic boats. First in Denmark and later around the world. The boats were designed by Carl Kai Rand.
Sustainability is part of GoBoat’s DNA which is why the boats sail on electricity generated through solar, wind and water whenever possible. In the middle of the boat is a large table made of sustainable wood where guests can enjoy a delicious picnic at sea. At GoBoat the ambition is more than just a boat trip - it’s a social experience for family and friends. Think of the so-called Danish “hygge”. Therefore, over the years the company has held everything from seafood dinners, concerts on the water, events focused on removing waste from the water, light installations in connection with the Light Festival and much more.